Hi Ajit
The loop starts at point 3
Once user presses the Enquiry button, we will have LT_CURRENT_LEVEL_AGENTS = the user who pressed enquiry (set by step 5.3.2)
The loop goes back to step 3 (CURRENT_LEVEL is still not incremented.....lets say enquiry was done at Z2 level.....it is still Z2)
Now, condition 4.3 will be true as ENQUIRY = ‘X’...the level will NOT Increased. Also, no new agents will be determined
4.3.1 will clear this flag (so that in next loop passes 4.2 is true (if approved and not Enquiry is processed)
4.3.2 will send decision to WF Admin
Post that, the step 5 will send the decision to LT_CURRENT_LEVEL_AGENTS - which is the user who selected the Enquiry
Let's say, if he presses Approve, (Step 5.1.1)
The control goes to step 3 and then 4.2 - we have ENQUIRY <> ‘X’
It will increment the level to Z3 and will get the agents in LT_CURRENT_LEVEL_AGENTS for Z3 level
Step 5 will send the decision to Z3 agents
Let's say anyone pressed REJECT - step 5.2 is executed and loop exits
Hope it's clear now!