Check out this help page:
Real-Time Reporting with Visual Composer - Modeling Processes with Process Composer - SAP Library
about real time reporting with VC. The 'Note' part is the one that should fit best:
"After the VC model is created, you can display in report data for BPM_MY_PROCESSES_DS
and BPM_MY_TASKS_DS DataSources if your current user has the necessary
For BPM_MY_PROCESSES_DS DataSource, your user
needs to be assigned to a role which gives you access to the particular process
instance, for example Business Process Administrator
For BPM_MY_TASKS_DS DataSource, your user needs to
be assigned to a role which gives you access to the particular task instance,
for example Potential Owner , Actual Owner
, Business Administrator , and so on.
In case your user is not assigned to any of these
roles, you can display data for the mentioned DataSources if your user is
assigned to the SAP_BPM_SuperDisplay or SAP_BPM_SuperAdmin
roles. For more information about roles, see Authorizations
and Roles ."