Hi Ravindra,
From your replies to others questions in SDN , i found the sysntax even before, but still facing issues
Calculation view -- SQL Generated automatically
Generated SQL: SELECT TOP 200 "DebitCreditCode", "YYYYMM", sum("AmountInCompanyCodeCurrency") AS "AmountInCompanyCodeCurrency" FROM "_SYS_BIC"."TurnOverValue_BugFix/INVENTORY_TURNOVER_L1" ('PLACEHOLDER' = ('$$PLANT$$', '0001'), 'PLACEHOLDER' = ('$$TODATE$$', '201401')) GROUP BY "DebitCreditCode", "YYYYMM"
The same is successfully executed and got the output too.
Procedure ( Got activated successfully )
But when i am trying to execute the procedure from SQL Console, i am getting the following error.
call "_SYS_BIC"."TurnOverValue_BugFix/GE_INVENTORY_DATA" ('201401','0001',?);
Statement 'call "_SYS_BIC"."TurnOverValue_BugFix/GE_INVENTORY_DATA" ('201401','0001',?)'
successfully prepared
Could not execute 'call "_SYS_BIC"."TurnOverValue_BugFix/GE_INVENTORY_DATA" ('201401','0001',?)' in 246 ms 203 µs .
SAP DBTech JDBC: [2048]: column store error: [2048] column store error: search table error: [34092] search on calculation model requires parameters;Required variable $$TODATE$$ is not set.Please check lines: 5,
I am totally confused, and not able to figure out the problem.
Thanks in advance