I am putting above explaination in below steps:
1. T Code: CT04 : create charecterstics as per your requirement. For example Temperature, Pressure etc. define value in charecterstics. Take care of translation. Once activated its difficult to change charecterstics.
2. T Code: CL04 : Create class using class type 001. Assign charecterstics to class. again take care of translation.
In case you need any dependency then write dependency code. If want to select charecterstics, class manually then no need to write it.
3. Assign class to Material. In Material Master there is classification tab. You can assign Class there.
4. Now once you assign class you will find all charecterstics assign to class. Select charecterstics anjd its value as per material feature.
Now material has all details.
Whenever you are using this material you can get its charectrstics, create further logic using abap code.
In our syetem we created this solution to show all charecterstics of material in webshop. We also show this in our ECC output like order confirmation, delivery note, Invoice etc.
Hope this solve your query.