?1049h [24;1H [?12;25h [?1h ="dev_w0" [Read only] 307 lines, 13043 characters [H [2J
trc file: "dev_w0", trc level: 1, release: "721"
M sysno [6C51
M sid [8CQB6
M systemid 324 (IBM RS/6000 with AIX)
M relno [6C7210
M patchlevel 0
M patchno 201
M intno [6C20020600
M make [7Csingle threaded, Unicode, 64 bit, optimized
M profile /usr/sap/CH6/SYS/profile/CH6_D51_ch6dia51
M pid [8C19333230
M Mon Oct 27 21:18:42 2014
M kernel runs with dp version 138000(ext=120000) (@(#) DPLIB-INT-VERSION-138000
-UC) [H [23B"dev_w0" [Read only] 307 lines, 13043 characters [H
[AM length of sys_adm_ext is 592 bytes
[AM ThStart: taskhandler started
[AM ThTHPInit: thp initialized
[AM ThInit: initializing DIA work process W0
[AM ***LOG Q01=> ThInit, WPStart (Workp. 0 119333230) [thxxhead.c 1346]
[AM Mon Oct 27 21:18:46 2014
[AM ThInit: running on host qb6dia51
[AM calling db_connect ...
[AB Loading DB library '/usr/sap/QB6/D51/exe/dbhdbslib.o' ...
[AB Library '/usr/sap/CH6/D51/exe/dbhdbslib.o' loaded
[AB Version of '/usr/sap/CH6/D51/exe/dbhdbslib.o' is "721.02", patchlevel (0.225)
[AC DBHDBSLIB : version 721.02, patch 0.225 (Make PL 0.225)
[AC HDB shared library (dbhdbslib) patchlevels (last 10)
[AC (0.225) Bulk insert stop on duplicate, dbsl returncode corrected (note 1996
[AC (0.224) Tablesize calculation for HANA optimized (note 1952609)
[AC (0.224) Set DBAREQ class (note 1991383)
[AC (0.219) Get database version via dbsl call (note 1976918)
[AC (0.217) more trace if the SQL statement is too long (note 1971485)
[AC (0.214) SQL code even in case of failure to DS function (ADBC) (note 195860
[AC (0.212) DBSL supports HANA revision number up to 3 digits (note 1952701)
[AC (0.210) ST04 overview screen is blocked (note 1921504)
[AC (0.210) IBM i: Native SQL Array INSERT (note 1844270)
[AC (0.138) Reset SQL message text (note 1919032)
[AC Loading SQLDBC client runtime ...
[AC SQLDBC Runtime : libSQLDBCHDB Build 0392165-1510
[AC SQLDBC client runtime is
[AC Try to connect via secure store (DEFAULT) on connection 0 ...
[AC Attach to HDB : (NewDB100_REL)
[AC Database release is HDB
[AC INFO : Database 'QB6/00' instance is running on 'qb6dbs00'
[AC INFO : Connect to DB as 'SAPQB6', connection_id=214321
[AC DB max. input host variables : 8192
[AC DB max. statement length [6C: 1048576
[AC DB max. array size [12C: 100000
[AC DBSL FDA operation type = REMOTE
[AC DBSL multi tenancy enabled = FALSE
[AC use decimal precision as length
[AC INFO : DBSL buffer size = 1048576
[AC Command info enabled
[AC Now I'm connected to HDB
[AC 00: qb6dbs00-QB6/00, since=20141027211846, ABAP= <unknown> (0)
[AB Connection 0 opened (DBSL handle 0)
[AM ThInit: db_connect o.k.
[AM ICT: exclude compression: *.zip,*.rar,*.arj,*.z,*.gz,*.tar,*.lzh,*.cab,*.hqx,
[AI Mon Oct 27 21:18:49 2014
[AI MtxInit: 0 0 0
[AM SHM_PRES_BUF [17C(addr: 700001070000000, size: 20000768)
[AM SHM_ROLL_AREA [16C(addr: 700001080000000, size: 134217728)
[AM SHM_PAGING_AREA [14C(addr: 700001090000000, size: 536870912)
[AM SHM_ROLL_ADM [17C(addr: 70000000a294000, size: 11037832)
[AM SHM_PAGING_ADM [15C(addr: 7000010b0000000, size: 4064288)
[AM ThCreateNoBuffer [13Callocated 548152 bytes for 1000 entries at 70000
[AM ThCreateNoBuffer [13Cindex size: 3000 elems
[AM ThCreateVBAdm [16Callocated 30856 bytes (50 server) at 7000010d000
[AX EmInit: MmSetImplementation( 2 ).
[AX MM global diagnostic options set: 0
[AX mm.dump: set maximum dump mem to 192 MB
[AX mm.dump: set global maximum dump mem to 192 MB
[AX EsRegisterEmCheck: Register EmGetEsHandles at 110626118
[AI *** INFO SHM 45 in POOL 40 16068 KB estimated 12188 KB real ( -3880
[A KB -25 %)
[AB db_con_shm_ini: WP_ID = 0, WP_CNT = 48, CON_ID = -1
[AB dbtbxbuf: Buffer TABL (addr: 700001100000110, size: 200000000, end: 70000110
[AB dbtbxbuf: Buffer TABLP (addr: 70000000ad1c110, size: 61440000, end: 70000000e
[AB dbsync[db_syinit]: successfully attached to shared memory, sync_adm_p = 70000
[AB dbsync[db_syinit]: Buffer synchronisation started with
[AB sync_concept [6C= SEQ_NR
[AB sendon [12C= 1
[AB bufreftime [8C= 120
[AB max_gap_wait_time = 60
[AB ddlog_del_time = 60
[AB last_counter [6C= 6130909
[AB oldest_gap [8C= (2147483647,00000000000000)
[AB time_of_last_sync = 20141027211846
[AB MySysId [11C= 'qb6dia51 [12C51'
[AB dbexpbuf[EXP_SHB]: buffer EIBUF installed with
[AB semkey [13C= 35
[AB shmkey [13C= 54
[AB wp_n [15C= 48
[AB sclass [13C= 0
[AB block_length [7C= 512
[AB max_objects [8C= 25000
[AB max_obj_size [7C= 23148608
[AB pref_obj_size [6C= 0
[AB est_large_obj_size = 16384
[AB free_vec_lg [8C= 33
[AB hash_vec_size [6C= 50021
[AB buffer_l [11C= 102400000
[AB max_blocks [9C= 180850
[AB free_blocks [8C= 180825
[AB mutex_n [12C= 50021
[AB max_mtx_wait_time = 17000
[AB recovery_delay = 500000
[AB tracing [12C= 0
[AB force_checks [7C= 0
[AB protect_shm [8C= 0
[AB dbexpbuf[EXP_SHM]: buffer ESM installed with
[AB semkey [13C= 56
[AB shmkey [13C= 65
[AB wp_n [15C= 48
[AB sclass [13C= 0
[AB block_length [7C= 512
[AB max_objects [8C= 5000
[AB max_obj_size [7C= 51937600
[AB pref_obj_size [6C= 0
[AB est_large_obj_size = 16384
[AB free_vec_lg [8C= 33
[AB hash_vec_size [6C= 10007
[AB buffer_l [11C= 209715200
[AB max_blocks [9C= 405764
[AB free_blocks [8C= 405764
[AB mutex_n [12C= 10007
[AB max_mtx_wait_time = 17000
[AB recovery_delay = 500000
[AB tracing [12C= 0
[AB force_checks [7C= 0
[AB protect_shm [8C= 0
[AB dbexpbuf[EXP_CUA]: buffer CUA installed with
[AB semkey [13C= 30
[AB shmkey [13C= 47
[AB wp_n [15C= 48
[AB sclass [13C= 10
[AB block_length [7C= 512
[AB max_objects [8C= 10000
[AB max_obj_size [7C= 4138176
[AB pref_obj_size [6C= 0
[AB est_large_obj_size = 98304
[AB free_vec_lg [8C= 193
[AB hash_vec_size [6C= 20011
[AB buffer_l [11C= 20480000
[AB max_blocks [9C= 32331
[AB free_blocks [8C= 32166
[AB mutex_n [12C= 20011
[AB max_mtx_wait_time = 17000
[AB recovery_delay = 500000
[AB tracing [12C= 0
[AB force_checks [7C= 0
[AB protect_shm [8C= 0
[AB dbexpbuf[EXP_OTR]: buffer OTR installed with
[AB semkey [13C= 55
[AB shmkey [13C= 64
[AB wp_n [15C= 48
[AB sclass [13C= 13
[AB block_length [7C= 256
[AB max_objects [8C= 5000
[AB max_obj_size [7C= 2068672
[AB pref_obj_size [6C= 0
[AB est_large_obj_size = 20480
[AB free_vec_lg [8C= 81
[AB hash_vec_size [6C= 10007
[AB buffer_l [11C= 10240000
[AB max_blocks [9C= 32326
[AB free_blocks [8C= 32326
[AB mutex_n [12C= 10007
[AB max_mtx_wait_time = 17000
[AB recovery_delay = 500000
[AB tracing [12C= 0
[AB force_checks [7C= 0
[AB protect_shm [8C= 0
[AI MPI: dynamic quotas disabled.
[AI MPI init: pipes=4000 buffers=6395 reserved=1918 quota=10%
[AM Semaphore recovery: keep semaphore data.
[AM logoff_check: no check.
[AM CCMS: SemInMgt: Semaphore Management initialized by AlAttachShm_Doublestack.
[AM CCMS: SemInit: Semaphore 38 initialized by AlAttachShm_Doublestack.
[AG Mon Oct 27 21:18:50 2014
[AG RelWritePermissionForShm( pLocation = 120, pEnforce = 0 )
[AG GetWritePermissionForShm( pLocation = 99, pEnforce = 1 )
[AG RelWritePermissionForShm( pLocation = 100, pEnforce = 1 )
[AS *** init spool environment
[AS TSPEVJOB updates outside critical section: event_update_nocsec = 1
[AS initialize debug system
[AT Stack direction is downwards.
[AT debug control: prepare exclude for printer trace
[AT new memory block 1153992c0
[AS spool kernel/ddic check: Ok
[AS using table TSP02FX for frontend printing
[AS 1 spool work process(es) found
[AS frontend print via spool service enabled
[AS printer list size is 150
[AS printer type list size is 50
[AS queue size (profile) = 300
[AS hostspool list size = 3000
[AS option list size is 30
[AI *** INFO SHM 49 in POOL 40 2898 KB estimated [6C1632 KB real ( -1266
[A KB -44 %)
[AS [6Cfound processing queue enabled
[AS found spool memory service RSPO-RCLOCKS at 7000010ca504080
[AS doing lock recovery
[AS setting server cache root
[AS found spool memory service RSPO-SERVERCACHE at 7000010ca504e70
[AS using messages for server info
[AS size of spec char cache entry: 297032 bytes (timeout 100 sec)
[AS size of open spool request entry: 2512 bytes
[AS immediate print option for implicitely closed spool requests is disabled
[AA ***GENER* Trace switched on ***
[AA ---PXA-------------------------------------------
[AA PXA: Locked PXA-Semaphore.
[AA System page size: 4kb, total admin_size: 65776kb, dir_size: 32248kb.
[AA Attached to PXA (address 700001140000000, size 800000K, 2 fragments of 367112
[AK )
[AA PXA allocated (address 700001140000000, size 800000K)
[AA abap/pxa = shared unprotect gen_remote
[AA PXA: checking structure sizes: 760|272|16
[AA ---PXA-------------------------------------------
[AA ATRA: pfclock execution time = 0
[AA DFPAL: Use statically linked version of DFPAL
[AA DFPAL: Execute DFP Instructions in hardware
[AA abap/force_local_update_task=0
[AA ABAP ShmAdm attached (addr=700000f406aa000 leng=20955136 end=700000f41aa6000)
[AA >> Shm MMADM area (addr=700000f40ba1a20 leng=242176 end=700000f40bdcc20)
[AA >> Shm MMDAT area (addr=700000f40bdd000 leng=15499264 end=700000f41aa5000)
[AA RFC Destination> destination qb6dia51_QB6_51 host qb6dia51 system QB6 systnr
[A51 (qb6dia51_QB6_51)
[AA RFC Options> H=qb6dia51,S=51,d=2,
[AA RFC FRFC> fallback activ but this is not a central instance.
[AA RFC rfc/signon_error_log = -1
[AA RFC rfc/dump_connection_info = 0
[AA RFC rfc/dump_client_info = 0
[AA RFC rfc/cp_convert/ignore_error = 1
[AA RFC rfc/cp_convert/conversion_char = 23
[AA RFC rfc/wan_compress/threshold = 251
[AA RFC rfc/recorder_pcs not set, use defaule value: 2
[AA RFC rfc/delta_trc_level not set, use default value: 0
[AA RFC rfc/no_uuid_check not set, use default value: 0
[AH HTTP> Parameter icf/ssocookie_mandatory set to 0
[AB dbtran INFO (init_connection '<DEFAULT>' [HDB:721.02]):
[AB max_blocking_factor [7C= 50, min_blocking_factor [9C= 50,
[AB max_in_blocking_factor =1024, min_in_blocking_factor [6C=1024,
[AB max_union_blocking_factor = 50, min_union_blocking_factor = 50,
[AB prefer_union_all [10C= 0, prefer_join [17C= 0,
[AB prefer_fix_blocking [7C= 0, prefer_in_itab_opt [10C= 1,
[AB convert AVG [15C= 0, alias table FUPD [12C= 0,
[AB escape_as_literal [9C= 0, ignore_maxmarkercnt [9C= 0,
[AB select * [18C=0x0f, character encoding [10C= STD / <none>
[AB use_hints [17C= abap->1, dbif->0x1, upto->0
[AM ThrCreateShObjects [11Callocated 99776 bytes at 700000014fd2000
[AY dyWpInit
[AY ztta/dynpro_ara 800000
[AY ztta/cua_ara 500000
[AY ztta/diag_ara 250000
[AN SsfSapSecin: getenv(SECUDIR)=="/usr/sap/QB6/D51/sec"
[AN =================================================
[AN ===...SSF Security Toolkit name SAPSECULIB .
[AN ===...SSF library is /sapmnt/QB6/exe/uc/rs6000_64/libsapcrypto.o .
[AN ===...SSF default hash algorithm is SHA1 .
[AN ===...SSF default symmetric encryption algorithm is DES-CBC .
[AN ===...SECUDIR="/usr/sap/QB6/D51/sec"
[AN ===...loading of Security Toolkit successfully completed.
[AN === CommonCryptoLib (SAPCRYPTOLIB) Version 8.4.12 pl40 (Nov 26 2013) MT-saf
[AN =================================================
[AN MskiInitLogonTicketCacheHandle: Logon Ticket cache pointer retrieved from sha
[Ared memory.
[AN MskiInitLogonTicketCacheHandle: Workprocess runs with Logon Ticket cache.
[AM JrfcVmcRegisterNativesDriver o.k.
[AW =================================================
[AW === ipl_Init() called
[AW ITS Plugin: Path dw_gui
[AW ITS Plugin: Description ITS Plugin - ITS rendering DLL
[AW ITS Plugin: sizeof(SAP_UC) 2
[AW ITS Plugin: Release: 721, [7210.0.201.20020600]
[AW ITS Plugin: Int.version, [34]
[AW ITS Plugin: Feature set: [31]
[AW ===... Calling itsp_Init in external dll ===>
[AW === ipl_Init() returns 0, ITSPE_OK: OK
[AW =================================================
[AN SignInit: successfully obtained handle for Security Context cache
[AN SignInit: Not attempted to load Kerberos Library (ABAP parts missing, note 17
[AN VSI: WP init in ABAP VM completed with rc=0
[AM WLM Tag 'QB6/DIA' successfully set for this process
[AE Enqueue Info: enque/use_pfclock2 = FALSE
[AE Enqueue Info: row condense enabled
[AE EnqId_Initialize: local EnqId initialization o.k.
[?5h [?5l [?5h [?5l [?5h [?5l [?5h [?5l [?5h [?5l [?5h [?5l [?5h [?5l [?5h [?5l [?5h [?5l [?5h [?5l [?5h [?5l [?5h [?5l [?5h [?5l [?5h [?5l [?5h [?5l [?5h [?5l [?5h [?5l [?5h [?5l [?5h [?5l [?5h [?5l [?5h [?5l [?5h [?5l [?5h [?5l [?5h [?5l [?5h [?5l [?5h [?5l [?5h [?5l [?5h [?5l [?5h [?5l [?5h [?5l [?5h [?5l [?5h [?5l [?5h [?5l [?5h [?5l [?5h [?5l [?5h [?5l [?5h [?5l [?5h [?5l [?5h [?5l [?5h [?5l [?5h [?5l [?5h [?5l [?5h [?5l [?5h [?5l [?5h [?5l [?5h [?5l [?5h [?5l [?5h [?5l [?5h [?5l [?5h [?5l [?5h [?5l [?5h [?5l [?5h [?5l [?5h [?5l [?5h [?5l [?5h [?5l [?5h [?5l [?5h [?5l [?5h [?5l [?5h [?5l [?5h [?5l [?5h [?5l [?5h